Stojaki do banerów


RollEco banner

RollEco banner

Portable, light and stable system for graphics presentations. Elegant and easy in assembly. The stand made of aluminium, silver paint. The banner features a roll-up device for quick display in wind down of the graphics. The banner winds down to the roll inside the base of the stand. The banner’s bottom edge is attached with the two side adhesive tape. The stand has also the top clasp bar. Supplied complete with carry bag.
Note! The kit does not include the banner.
We advise to use for printing graphics: Solid BlockOut (roll-up banner material).

ORB - tech. drawing - dimensions

[:en]2x3 Art. No.[:pl]Nr art. 2x3[:ru]2x3 Art. Nr[:de]2x3 Art. Nr[:en]Poster Size [cm][:pl]Format plakatu [cm][:ru]Размер плаката [см][:de]Poster Größe [cm][:en]Pack[:pl]Komplet[:ru]Пакет[:de]Pack[:en]Weight [kg][:pl]Waga [kg][:ru]Вес [кг][:de]Gewicht [kg][:en]Delivery[:pl]Dostawa[:ru]Доставка[:de]Lieferung
ERB85085 × 20012,8i
ERB1000100 × 20013,2i

Warranty: 2 years.


RollOn banner

RollOn banner

Portable, light and stable system for graphics presentations. Elegant and easy in assembly. The stand made of aluminium, silver paint. The banner features a roll-up device for quick display in wind down of the graphics. The banner winds down to the roll inside the base of the stand. The banner’s bottom edge is attached with the two side adhesive tape. The stand has also the top clasp bar. Supplied complete with carry bag.
Note! The kit does not include the banner.
We advise to use for printing graphics: Solid BlockOut (roll-up banner material).

ERB - tech. drawing - dimensions

[:en]2x3 Art. No.[:pl]Nr art. 2x3[:ru]2x3 Art. Nr[:de]2x3 Art. Nr[:en]Poster Size [cm][:pl]Format plakatu [cm][:ru]Размер плаката [см][:de]Poster Größe [cm][:en]Pack[:pl]Komplet[:ru]Пакет[:de]Pack[:en]Weight [kg][:pl]Waga [kg][:ru]Вес [кг][:de]Gewicht [kg][:en]Delivery[:pl]Dostawa[:ru]Доставка[:de]Lieferung
ORB85085 × 20012,4i
ORB1000100 × 20013i

Warranty: 2 years.