Cork noticeboards


Corkboard in wooden frame

Tablica korkowa ecoBoards w ramie drewnianej

tc tc
tc tc
tc tc
tc tc

Cork surface information board. Natural wood frame. Push pins and mounting set included. The surface of the board is intended for use with pushpins.


[:en]2x3 Art. No.[:pl]Nr art. 2x3[:ru]2x3 Art. Nr[:de]2x3 Art. Nr[:en]Size A×B [cm][:pl]Wymiary A×B [cm][:ru]Размер A×B [см][:de]Größe A×B [cm][:en]Pack[:pl]Komplet[:ru]Пакет[:de]Pack[:en]Weight [kg][:pl]Waga [kg][:ru]Вес [кг][:de]Gewicht [kg][:en]Delivery[:pl]Dostawa[:ru]Доставка[:de]Lieferung
KTC34/C40 × 3010,52
KTC64/C60 × 4010,82
KTC86/C80 × 6011,42
KTC128/C120 × 8012,62
KTC645/C60 × 451-2
K TC69/C ZO 90 × 6010 sztuk-2
KTC129/C ZO120 × 905 sztuk-2
KTC1510/C ZO150 × 1005 sztuk-2
KTC1218/C ZO120 × 805 sztuk-2
KTC1020/C ZO 100 × 2005 sztuk-2

Warranty: 2 years.



Cork board in an aluminum frame. Information board, the surface of which is made of the highest quality cork. Extremely easy and quick to install. The frame is made of aluminum profile in silver, finished with elegant corners. It is possible to hang the board both vertically and horizontally. The surface of the board is intended for use with pushpins.

2x3 Art. NoWymiary / SizeKomplet / Pack
TCA34/C 40x301
TCA64/C 60x401
TCA86/C 80x601
TCA128/C 120x801

Warranty: 2 years