UNIVERSAL projection table
Certificate of compliance with the Polish Standards
Professional, multi-projection table with two shelves for the projector, notebook or printer. The top is made of furniture board in gray colour. The aluminium silver base is mobile with the lockable wheels.

[:en]2x3 Art. No.[:pl]Nr art. 2x3[:ru]2x3 Art. Nr[:de]2x3 Art. Nr | [:en]Size (A×B,C×D) [cm][:pl]Wymiary (A×B,C×D) [cm][:ru]Размер (A×B,C×D) [см][:de]Größe (A×B,C×D) [cm] | [:en]Capacity [kg][:pl]Udźwig [kg][:ru]Мощность [кг][:de]Macht [kg] | [:en]Pack[:pl]Komplet[:ru]Пакет[:de]Pack | [:en]Weight [kg][:pl]Waga [kg][:ru]Вес [кг][:de]Gewicht [kg] | [:en]Delivery[:pl]Dostawa[:ru]Доставка[:de]Lieferung |
ST007 | 80×46, 40×40 | 25, 10 | 1 | 11,1 | 2 |
Warranty: 2-year product warranty.
Note: to be assembled by the customer.
STAR lectern
Representative platform in modern design. The board is made of furniture board in grey. Rolling system in grey (gloss). Blocking system of rolls.
Warranty: 2-year product warranty.
Note: to be assembled by the customer.
2x3 Art | Wymiary / Size | Komplet /Pack | Waga /Weight | Dostawa / Delivery |
PFS01 | 60 × 42 / 50 × 38 | 1 | 15 | 2 dni / 2 days |